Girls of Summer

Can you tell that I’m slightly excited about warm weather making a comeback? I picked up these Wayfarer sunglasses (the metal details on only half the frame made this pair too-good-to-leave-behind) at Target this afternoon, and I can already picture throwing them on, and heading to the beach. A girl can dream, can’t she?

Image: Target

Bowled Over

Tonight, after work, I decided that, instead of relaxing on my couch, I needed to head to Target instead, to scope out some of the home accessories I’ve been e-stalking. To my delight (but my wallet’s sadness), there was cuteness at every turn. I walked out of the store with a cart-full of awesome, and this large porcelain decorative bowl is one of my favorite purchases of the night. It’s currently sitting on my dining room table–full of fresh lemons–as I type! Best of all? It was under $20.

Image: Target