Desk Week Day 5-Daily Notebook


Leather spiral-bound work journal (originally featured in Desk Week Day 2 – Pens) . I’m finally logging what I do everyday. Now when I wonder, what have I been doing with all my time?, I’ll have a reference and I’ll know. I use the iPad for planning. I still think the mechanics of writing make a beneficial brain exercise, so this journal also provides a way to keep up with that too. I found this one at Paper Source.


Desk Week Day 4-Office Caddy


Sometimes you just want to plunk down in front of the TV to pay bills or write that letter to Grandma. This wooden caddy from Crate & Barrel (designed for cutlery) make the perfect portable desk drawer. I’ve filled mine with pens, markers note cards, a stapler, stamps, and security envelopes. Put on that House Hunters marathon and write your Grandma an Easter card (shucks! I should’ve taken my advice two nights ago.)

Desk Week Day 3-Business Cards

Moo’ve over flimsy paper! I love Again, it’s that tactile thing. They make the best self-promotion items. You can upload your own designs, or choose from any of theirs. They have gorgeous choices! The stock feels good enough to never let go of. My first batch was the Green paper they offer. My second the ultra premium (show in that big image below). All in all, both wins with their sharp packaging, not so much with the premium cards though. Seems nice for a card coupon or voucher, and largely overkill for a business card. Being pretty thick with no flex means it’s gonna be a bit high maintenance to whomever’s wallet it ends up in—not always a good thing.

Pretty packaging

Desk Week Day 2-Pens

Pens are fun! Especially felt tips in varying weights. I bought a multi pack with tip types: 01, 03, 05. It’s awesome! I doodle fat, I doodle fine. After that initial break-in period I recall another purchase and I doodle in color too! Now I run errands with 15 pens in my purse! Just in the name of being prepared for creative whims or something. It sucks, but it’s a nice problem to have.


Desk Week Day 1-Paper & Notes

In honor of my new job (starts today!), this week is dedicated to office supplies; pretty ones. Ones you just have to get your hands on. Today is about paper as decor. Here are some fun clearance finds from Anthropologie this post holiday season. I couldn’t resist the embossed textures. Displayed below are gift tags, note cards, and wrapping paper. I have the cards perched with other trinkets on my mantel. I use the pretty paper to cover the back of my open media shelves; it hides ugly cords, while allowing accent light to pass through . . . you know, for mood.

