DIY Paper Christmas Tree


After an entire November of minimizing, I felt especially inspired to create something. This tree was a lot of fun to make! Even better, I didn’t have to buy anything. Being festive with what is easily available is a holiday tradition. Scrap paper, scissors and painter’s tape are the basic supplies. It’s a wonderfully forgiving project.


First, I cut something around 100 leaf shapes out of scrap paper (sewing patterns, old calendars, shopping bags, tissue paper… you get the idea).

IMG_6504   IMG_6537

Then, tape (painter’s tape) several horizontal paper strips to the wall. It helps with space planning. This also reduces the number of individual pieces of tape I had to stick to my wall.



Taping out the perimeter (big blue angled line, right) also helps get an idea of space. I ended up using it as a loose guide.  A super straight edge or a triangle-tree can look a little stiff, especially since my “building blocks” were on the more rustic side.

Finishing touches include those easy-to-remove adhesive wall hooks, for hanging ornaments (see that one almost hiding in the photo below?) and lights. Lightweight lights! These are LED on a thin wire string. They’re easily secured with tape. You can hide all kinds of less-pretty tricks behind those leaves.

IMG_6578   IMG_6577

For more minimalist decorating ideas, visit Light by Coco. She is such an inspiration. Not to mention, one of the biggest most positive influencers on my massive decluttering initiative.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my DIY paper tree! Have a happy holiday (and crafting) season.

Unclutter Mail, Part 2

FullSizeRenderGrabbed a handful of papers from the “I’ll get to that at some point” pile by the front door Left: 29 pieces in today’s unclutter pile.

Weeded out the junk. Felt manipulated by some charity freebies (a calendar, some Christmas cards). Really don’t like this, or how it makes me feel. I put those things in my goods-to-donate pile. Not good to have this vibe living in ones home. It’s out!

Poured a cup of coffee (Barrington Roasting, really been enjoying their beans)

Sorted through the important stuff. Paid two bills! A great reinforcer to the necessity of clearing the clutter.

I couldn’t tackle as big a pile as I set out. I finally decided this was ok since my objective is to address the paper clutter. As long as I make progress and do at least five pieces/day. This is what I’ll commit to. I’ve exceed that.

I got rid of 22 pieces of mail today!!!

Thanks for your support. See you tomorrow!



The home stretch! (and it’s paved in paper)

The most positive thing I can do for myself (today and for the rest of the month) is to purge the paper. After 24 consecutive days of uncluttering  (kitchen things, linens, trinkets, clothes, etc) it is now the paper that is causing me the most mental unrest.

Let’s tackle this!


To ensure follow through, I started off simple. I went to our mail caddy (upper left). I did a quick sort of mine vs. husband’s. I found a great coupon (upper right). I felt a little sad for having missed this, but reminded myself that staying away from stores when I just don’t feel the need to shop, saves me more money than any coupon ever could.

I got rid of 13 pieces of mail today!!!

Yup, proud.

Thanks for your support. See you tomorrow!



Homemade Cards

About an hour ago I got home from a class: Crafter’s Night Out at the Paper Source in Porter Sq. in a jam-packed two hours we made cards, envelopes and a toggle-tie portfolio to store them all in. The theme: new life for old calendars! Oh time. . .

Also shown is an inspiring book about taking your old mail pieces and spinning them into a whole new level, the art of the upcycle.




Desk Week Day 1-Paper & Notes

In honor of my new job (starts today!), this week is dedicated to office supplies; pretty ones. Ones you just have to get your hands on. Today is about paper as decor. Here are some fun clearance finds from Anthropologie this post holiday season. I couldn’t resist the embossed textures. Displayed below are gift tags, note cards, and wrapping paper. I have the cards perched with other trinkets on my mantel. I use the pretty paper to cover the back of my open media shelves; it hides ugly cords, while allowing accent light to pass through . . . you know, for mood.




Does that work? “Fab‘dict”? Definitely reads better, so be careful saying that one out loud. Ooooh, I got it!: “Daylignt Savings”? Get it? Cuz it’s about time AND a deal. I just ordered MORE stuff! I have the app now and push alerts for when new sales begin. I think I have to stop. I can’t stop. The Fab interface is just so juicy and clean. They know how to trigger my tactile desires. The only way I can act out these urges is to have these objects in my possession!!! Ok. This is good. I just sound sad. This is exactly the type of public-facing humiliation I’ve been needing.

This week’s tactile cravings come from paper. Thick, embossed paper! Created by Emily H. Martin of OrangeBeautiful—a super cute Chicago based boutique and studio. It’s been fun reading about Emily. Without Fab, I never would’ve been introduced to her beautiful eye!

And, look. It’s sold out! Now it’s even better.
