You Glow, Girl

Ever look in the mirror in the morning and want to run the other way…or at the very least, back to bed because you look that tired? Yeah, me too. Which takes us to my current hunt for a new product that would help me get my glow on. I started using Tarte products (minerals, Amazonian clay, paraben-free, oh my!) a few months ago, and have both their bronzer and blush, so picking up their shimmering powder was a no-brainer. And, true to Tarte’s form, it’s effing awesome. Am I still tired? Sure…but at least I don’t look it.

Image: Sephora


Argan You Glad We Told You About This?

If you’re prone to split ends or dry hair, this product is amaaaazing. Seriously. I want to hug it. And then buy more of it. Josie Maran‘s Organic Argan Oil was recommended to me by my friend Maria, and I haven’t found a product yet that is as lightweight and super-versatile–a great, natural way to moisturize your hair, skin and nails.

Image: Sephora

Eau, Yes!

I so wish computers (or whatever device you’re using to read this) had scratch-and-sniff functionality right now. One whiff of Marc Jacobs‘s “Daisy Eau So Fresh” (see what they did there?), and my nose was in love. I’ve been searching for a scent that was light, fruity and perfect for spring. This is it! Plus the bottle is pretty. Win, win.

Image: Sephora